Dino Ferrari Center interviewed Eleonora Bartolini

21 September 2021

The Dino Ferrari Center, on occasion of an important donation of 30.000€ our association donated to the prestigious Center of Research for our research project on CMT2A, wanted to interview our President Eleonora Bartolini, who explained how we faced this last year and what initiatives have been taken.

“Those who support us can find in us a constant reference point and the Project Mitofusina 2 Association is an example of that. A collaboration born about 12 years ago which keeps on being fundamental to carry the out the research against the Charcot-Marie-Tooth which is being conducted by the Laboratory of Neural Stem Cells of Prof. Stefania Corti of the “Centro Dino Ferrari” of the University of Milano – Ospedale Policlinico di Milano Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda.”

We reciprocate with equal regard the and gratitude the beautiful words of the message that the Dino Ferrari Center dedicated to us, thanking Professor Corti and her team for the great work they do daily for the research on CMT2A.