Prof. Giacomo Pietro Comi President of the Italian Association of Miology

07 January 2022

Prof. Giacomo Pietro Comi, expert in diagnosis and therapy of neuromuscular diseases, was elected President of the Italian Association of Miology, at the Congress held in Milan in mixed form from 1 to 4 December 2021.

The Italian Association of Miology was established in October 2000 in Bologna, is multidisciplinary and is open to all professionals working at any level in the field of neuromuscular diseases at university facilities, Hospital, IRCCS and other health facilities.

It is an important national multidisciplinary scientific reference point to promote and disseminate knowledge in the neuromuscular field in the interest of patients. AIM is a scientific company affiliated to the Italian Society of Neurology (SIN), as well as part of numerous international networks.

“With the approval of highly innovative drugs for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases, the role of scientific and medical connection and dissemination of a Scientific Association such as the AIM that brings together the main professionals and researchers in the sector is particularly relevant”.

Prof. Comi is Director of UOSD Neuromuscular and Rare Diseases and Deputy Director of UOC Neurology of the IRCCS Ca’ Granda Polyclinic Major Hospital, Full Professor of Neurology and member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Dino Ferrari Center.

“The election as AIM President represents an acknowledgement to the value of the myological school founded at the Polyclinic by Prof. Guglielmo Scarlato about 40 years ago and continued with the work carried out later by Prof. Nereo Bresolin and Dr Maurizio Moggio. The ongoing diagnostic and therapeutic innovation can serve as a reference point for neuromuscular disease patients and as an inspiration for young researchers and specialists dedicated to the development of this area of medicine.”

It is with great pride that we make our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Comi.