Merry Christmas
2015, News & Events23 December 2015
Thanks to our members and friends for supporting our Research Project...

CMT France Conference 2016
2015, News & Events15 December 2015
Gli amici dell'Associazione CMT France ci hanno...

2015, News & Events30 October 2015 - Las Vegas, July 22nd, 2015
That is an original way invented by Meucci’s family to raise awareness...
Ecco un modo originale con il quale...

“Il pranzo del Sorriso” (the Smile Lunch)
2015, News & Events28 July 2015
We would like to inform you that we are going to organize the event...

A new scientific study has been completed by our team
2015, News & Events22 July 2015
A new scientific study has been completed by our team...

Repairing screwed-up genes by silencing them
2015, News & Events19 June 2015
Research for the treatment of rare diseases marked a decisive step forward...

Clinical variants of standard CMT2A2 form
2015, News & Events27 March 2015
Project Mitofusin 2 is dedicated to people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth...

Another step towards the cure
2015, News & Events25 January 2015
We are pleased and proud to announce that our researcher...